Organizations or eligible individuals are entitled to purchase (at discounted rates) for resale any of the publications published by the Academy. For discounts on non-lAS titles, please contact the specific publisher.
IAS MEMBERS are entitled to purchase publications at a substantial predetermined discount (approx. 25%). then only directly through the Academy; no limit on quantity.
All titles are available for purchase at the annual IAS meeting, and occasionally at other regional meetings, then without a S & H surcharge (see also list of retail outlets below).
Shipping and handling rates will apply for all orders that require delivery.
Once inventory drops below 100, wholesale sales of that title are discontinued.
Wholesale purchases cannot be made online (contact Bill McKnight, see below)
LIBRARIES, EDUCATIONAL & NOT-FOR-PROFITORGANIZATIONS are entitled to a 10% discount from the non-member price, or (for an even larger discount) consider joining the largest and oldest extant (1885) science organization in the State.
College and University faculty in the U.S. and Canada may request a book for consideration as course text. Payment in full (by cash, check, money order. or school issued PO) must be made in advance. If the book is not adopted, it may be returned within 90 days for a refund. If the book is adopted and an order of 1O or more copies is placed, full credit will be issued for the exam copy.
IAS Publications, 4601 East 65th Street, Indianapolis IN 46220-4537 (317) 205-5440 or
Quantity and wholesale rates are available (see above).
For info on Academy membership go to MEMBERSHIP on the menu bar on the home page.
Cash, check, or credit/debit card. Payable to INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE or IAS.
The Academy is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, thus orders filled directly through the IAS are tax exempt.
Returns will be accepted within one year for “as new” (undamaged or modified) publications- (shipping & handling costs not refundable, and return postage is the responsibility of purchaser).
Publications with affixed stickers are considered modified.
All returns must include a debit form/memo and the IAS invoice number.
Domestic only – Canada orders must contact Bill McKnight at the email or phone listed above. NO other international orders accepted.
PACKAGING: We try to use recycled products or to recycle materials whenever possible, thus your order occasionally may contain styrofoam, plastic bubblewrap, or other; rather than just discarding this material, consider reusing it yourself .
Some of titles also are available in select regional bookstores (which see below). We suggest our books be displayed in the Local Interest or Indiana Section, but sometimes they get placed in the Animals, Plants, Gardening, or General Science sections. We recommend you contact the store in advance to confirm that they have the title(s) you want in stock.
The least expensive option for all our publications is obtained by working directly with the Academy. Sales tax will be applied to all purchases at retail stores.
By financially supporting the Indiana Academy of Science with your contribution, you can help to continue the work of Indiana scientists and aspiring scientists, and help shape a future we can all be proud of.
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