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Support IAS

The Academy remains grateful for your donations, your volunteerism, your membership, and support in general. The involvement of many has been key to its success for over 130 years. Thank you for getting involved. Thank you for staying involved.

Support the work of the Academy by making an individual or corporate donation

Join us in supporting science research and science education in Indiana, and providing a pathway for Indiana scientists, science educators and emerging scientists from multiple disciplines to share ideas and help build a better world. With your support, the Indiana Academy of Science can continue our work with industry and academic scientists, science college students, middle and high school science educators, and the Indiana lay and professional community in general. The time has never been better to give a donation to the Academy. Of course there are several ways to accomplish this, however this request simply asks you to consider giving a financial donation in the amount of $1000.00, $500.00, $250.00 or $100.00, or in another increment that is most comfortable for you. Working together, we can help shape a future we can all be proud of.
Donate now to the Indiana Academy of Science  by sending a check made out to the Indiana Academy of Science to:
Executive Director Indiana Academy of Science
650 W. Washington St. 
Indianapolis, IN 46204
If you wish to give an Academy Donation “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of”  someone special to you, please indicate.
***If you are contributing to the newly formed Whitaker Award Fund please make sure to indicate this on the memo line of your check.***
Please email execdir@indianaacademyofscience.org with any questions about your donation.


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By financially supporting the Indiana Academy of Science with your contribution, you can help to continue the work of Indiana scientists and aspiring scientists, and help shape a future we can all be proud of.

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